First the updates: Classes have been great so far, lots of learning going on, and it continues to be both from instructors as well as my incredibly talented peers. After several days of learning the foundations of the Natural Step framework, we gave some small individual presentations over the fundamental science behind their sustainability principles.
Our next presentation was to do and ABCD sustainability analysis, and my group chose to examine Löfbergs Lila, the largest coffee importer in Sweden. Our group of 8 included people from 3 continents, 5 countries, and various professional backgrounds. Our presentation went well, and we felt as though we had successfully performed the analysis, so we’ll see if the graders agree!
But I won’t bore you for the rest of the blog. First, the apartment is still fantastic, fully furnished at this point, it’s still a great group of people, and so nice to have people to study with every night. We made a few discoveries in the closet in the back: a kilt and tons of promotional materials for something called Club Zebra, and so our house name was born! As for the creaking, clunking hunk of steel I commented about earlier, it’s now my official bike for the year! It will be a quad workout, but I’ve got her running well and it sure beats walking! Now it just needs a good hearty Viking name…
Last week, we were each invited to give 2 minute presentations about ourselves, so we could get to know each other and so Karl-Henrik could know a bit about our backgrounds. In true Club Zebra style we made up our own rules, and decided to perform a house-wide hoedown a-la “Whose Line is it Anyway?” If you’re really that curious, you can check it out here:
Wednesday was my first Swedish Sailing adventure!. Sven offered to take a couple of us out racing with his team, so Charlotte and I suited up for the trip on the 34 foot boat. It was a lot of fun, but I can’t say it was particularly speedy. Due to a serious shortage of wind, we managed once to break 6 knots. But it was fun company. Peter, another racing team member, and Per (the boat owner) were very welcoming and we enjoyed the conversation and the learning. And hey, we did come in 3rd, so no complaints there!
Saturday was an entirely different and wonderful experience. Sven (our fearless sailing leader) rented the old Viking boat from the Blekinge Museum and borrowed 2 small sailboats from the sailing club of which he is a member. I took the helm and captained us out of Karlskrona around to Aspö, an island in the Baltic just off the main coast of Sweden. We landed at and at lunch at a beautiful old fortification along the coast. The boat was a lot of fun to sail, with great handling and it even moved along pretty quickly once I learned its little idiosyncrasies. What a fun weekend!

Well that’s about all the update time I can afford right now, hope you all are still enjoying it. We’re headed inland for the weekend for a retreat, I’ll post pictures and an update when we get back! I realize I can’t put very many pictures on here, so I’ve gone ahead and posted a Picasa album with all the pictures I’ve taken thus far, as well as a few from other folks. If you want to see more than just the shots I’ve put here, you can check it out here: